Monday, June 28, 2010

Food & more

This post is dedicated to Franchesca that wanted to hear about peruvian food so badly.... too late, here goes a tiny-glimpse of vietnamese food !

Vietnamese (and the small part of Cambodians that we have seen) eat all day, anytime of the day. Starting with a boiling hot bowl of Pho (noodle-soup) for breakfast...and another bowl of Pho, and another one....and another one..... not even the 40° C stop them !

Pretty much in any town there is the local market where you can find almost anything and eat in the food-stalls all around (quality and hygiene varies significantly between them...)

Don't be surprised to find a small duck's foetus staring at you from any of the stalls in the markets, or huge bowls with all sorts of insects : grass-hoppers, grillions.... and.... for the bravest amongst you : Tarantulas !

As Marta told you some time ago, entry guards of Angkor Wat were enjoying fried grass-hoppers as we passed by.and offered me some. After some hesitation I had one in my hand....

put it into my mouth....

but it was too much, I couldn't do it !

Other than that, they eat loads of meat : basically anything that moves is good to eat. Snake, dog, horse, chicken, duck, pig... but we'll be back with more pictures next time, with the markets in Northern Vietnam.

Having said that, we're off to lunch !

More on gastronomic-experiences soon...


Anonymous said...

ándale, pruébalos, son tronadores y deliciosos. Qué te voy a dar de comer cuando vengas a Mexico si no? puro taco de gusano de maguey y de chapulines! miammmmm!
Besos, disfruten mucho (el viaje y la comida)!

Nika said...

guey, eres alejandra ?tranquila te mando un par de saltamontes, tarantulas y fetos de pato direccion cambridge !

Bobolze said...

petite joueuse!!! J'avais plutot le souvenir des bowls de nouilles chinoises lyophilises comme plat principal... I guess you are more adventurous than me or I am just blind.

planas.montserrat said...


sort que no t'ho vas menjar... per cert!! no us fa cosa menjar d'aquests mercats o és igual d'aquests llocs...

i la panxA???


bé!! espero que la varitat de manajares hagi canviat uan mica...pq la sopa es cansina... no?


Mireia said...

tiaaaaa, hakuna matata!!! you know: viscoso....pero sabroso!! :D
(si, si..pero jo no ho provaria! xd)

Mireia said...

per cert, tia. És q ara acabo de fer una matanca a la meva habitació i ho he pensat...els mosquits no us ataquen? o és q no n'hi ha?? pq té pinta q n'hi ha d'haver molts...i d'aquests guais grossos!!