Thursday, June 3, 2010

Col des Pauvres

Tough wake up in Lausanne before taking the road all the way to Pont de Nant, on the opposite side of the Léman Lake from Lausanne.

Once there, we were told that we were both late and underequipped if we wanted to attempt a hike up to Col des Martinets, still under loads of remaining snow. Change of plans then !

After hiring a couple of hiking poles each (lucky we did huh?). Headed to Col des Pauvres (on se conforme avec ce qu'on peut...), we started hiking at around 9h45 am...

First through the forest,

before getting to a large almost flat area surrounded by white hills full of snow.

Up we go, straight into the hills, following the most steep direction until we find the path back again.

and we found it !

In the last bit, the snow was back under our feet, and some finally understood how useful can hiking poles be sometimes !

Finnally up in Col des Pauvres, they hadn't realized yet how close to the shrimp's can the human skin become after a sunny day !

Anyhow, David and Michou still want to show all of you how dareful they are....

Clap, clap clap..

bravo les enfants, vous êtes teeeellleeeeeeemment bô et courageux ! ;-)

Yeah, the views were pretty amazing on the other side of the hills too.

And on the way down......


Kika said...

tia amb vistes d'aquestes et donen ganes de volar!!!! en serio ho dic per això... però em sembla que amb els que vas no són gaire de volar llavors em dona la sensació que toca baixar caminant..jeje... però nose, veurem demà..

per cert, tinc n favor que demanar: la setmana que vé marxem de camping el dimarts durant una setmana sencera o sigui que no podrem penjar preparo posts i t'els deixo com a drafts al blog m'els podràs anar penjant progressivament?...exactament és del 8 al 16 de juny...tindràs internet o ja estàs perduda per Àsia amb la mars??


Unknown said...

on sou exactement? crec que sou a Suïssa peró no estic segur! per cert el teu video me va agradar molt! espero que tot vagi bé! parlarem aviat perque encara hem d'enviar-te las fotos!

planas.montserrat said...

ole ole ole!!! cuanta neu!!!!!!

per cert els teus amics estan morenos, morenos!!!


Nika said...

en aquest post erem a suissa, a prop del llac léman, ara soc a ginebra de nou, despres de 3 dies a barcelona ! que barcelona mola mooooooooooooooooolttttttttt !!!!

els meus amics estan...gambes ! jaja

Nesva said...

Hey, au col des puvres on va faire des grillades en ete!!! Qu'est-ce que c'est beau chez moi... oui je sais, je me repete!!!

Nika said...

no way ! bah regarde le post d'apres ! c un vol la bas !!!

Mireia said...

quina passsssada de fotos! sobretot la última, im-prezionant!