Thursday, July 22, 2010

Being a woman alone in Bali... not always easy! But can sometimes help...

Riding the motorbike from Sanur back to Kuta, I followed at least a dozen motorbikes that also overtook the line of cars slightly invading the oposite lane to stop at the front of the red light line.

So, surprisingly, the policemen decided to stop the only non- balinese of the crowd, this was me ! So I stopped next to their hut and he said:

- police check
- okay, hello...
- driving licence ?

So I gave him my spanish licence (I didn't have an international driving licence anyways).

- oh, no international ? come in...

So the other policemen staying inside stared at me, still wearing the helmet :

- is that you ?
- yes, why ?
- are you a boy or a girl ?
okaaaaaay.... so I took my helmet off and told him that my international driving licence was in the renter's office because they asked for it when I rented the bike (si cola, cola !)
He didn't really believe me but I tried...and anyways, he didn't care really, I didn't have it on me, that's all that counts !
I had my bag on me and he asked me where I was going...
- I'm going to the airport, going home today.
- look, the fine for not having the international driving licence is this (250.000Rp ~25USD)
- yeah...sorry but this is all the money I have left.
And I showed him 11.000Rp (~1€) that I had put in my pocket when I was asked to show my driving licence...and he stared at my sunglasses
- are they original ?
ooooooh shit...
- no...
- oh, they are cheap, you bought them here ?
- yes, yes..

And he looked away (pfffffff....)

And from that moment on, it was freestyle, questions ranging from "do you have a boyfriend ? " to "You don't want a balinese policemen as boyfriend? it can be useful", "come to my home"....

So I had to promise him that next time I would come to Bali it would be without my boyfriend and that I would stay at his place....but at least he let me go and said : "okay for this time, because it is you, you can go without pay"...

Thank you....

(perez, sé que entre aixo i el virgin loo t'agradara cada cop més aquest blog XD !)


Mireia said...

ottiaaaaaaaaa, tia no et vas sentir bruta, dp d'aixòoo?? ajaja
per cert, l'excusa q la teva international licence la tenien a la botiga de motos NO S'AGUANTAVA PER ENLLOC! xd però no està mal per haver-la improvisat, a mi no m'hauria sortit ni això. Clar q lo de portar un euro a sobre m'ha encantat. ;)

planas.montserrat said...


ais Mònica jo hagues passat por!!!^^

per cert nena que els hi passa a la gent amb si ets noi o noia!!! jo m'enfadaria!E?


et veiem dintre de poc no??


Nika said...

jajajaja,tia es que no se m'acudia res mes per la international driving licence XDDD

i lu de si soc noi o veritat es que sort que es pensen que soc un tio perque si aixi ja es motiven tant si fos rosseta en minifalda i m'ho vull imaginar XD

perque em sentiria bruta ? tiaes que no pretenies que li digues que sudava de la seva cara, encara que ser politicament correcte no sigui el meu fort, a vegades ho intento XDDDD