Second part, heading to Vietnam !
And this time, for the first 3 weeks Marta will be with me ! This is probably the first time we travel only the two of us so it should be fun !
However, some things never change. Every time I leave, the same questions arise : why go when I can stay and also enjoy (without paying an air ticket)? why for so long? and why so far? Honestly, I don't really have an answer to that... there is something that continuously keeps me wanting to know what's beyond what I know, to visit new places, to tak more pictures, even though I know that it won't be easy every day, that I probably won't sleep on a comfy bed ( and will have to pay for that!), try to wash in filthy showers, get ripped off, struggle with the language, pretend I like adventure when stuck in a dirty truck in the middle of the road for 5 long hours before a tyre is replaced or repaired with bits of rope or branches waiting for the next breakdown, spend countless hours surfing the internet looking for low air faires (this must me an oxymoron...), miss friends and family...
I don't know, whenever I ask myself these questions I believe I answer with another question : "If I don't do it know, when wil i do it?". And you could ask : "Why do it anyways?"
I guess I like to meet new people, share different experiences, run away from the routine (I haven't really had for 6 months now..), from the busy european cities....come back and have something to say, stories to tell.
Oh well..... here we go anyways, and we'll try (with Marta !) to keep you updated about our trip to South East Asia. For starters, there'll be the language challenge that I didn't have in South America...
Concerning the itinerary, we just landed in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) from where we'll first escape to Angkor Wat Temples in Cambodia before heading North in Vietnam, Marta leaving from Hanoi on July 1st.
After that I will still have 3 weeks before going to Sydney for Matthieu's wedding. So, if any of you have any suggestion, feel free. Basically clear options are :
- keep heading north to Southern China (any moutaneering to do?) & up to Hong Kong and fly to aussie-land from HK
- go to Laos and down to Bangkok or into Cambodia (and cycle for part of it)
- fly to indonesia and surf/kite surf ! yaaahoo !
I have no clue what I'll do, I just know I want to escape from touristy cities and all-in-one tours and do some sport !
Open suggestions ...
Yeah I really wonder why you travel. Cappy beds suck. Staying 5 hours in the middle of the road double sucks and having to organize 3000 different pics every month is a pain in the ass. And requires a super memory, extra spending etc...
Tonight I played Twister at home. I have a lot of stories to tell, I injured my wrist and my bed is not made... Same adventure I guess.
So my suggestion is that once in Hannoi you go to Djakarta and you don't move from there. There will be nothing worth a picture and you may find a nice hotel with a super comfy bed. For the money, it will always be cheaper than living in europe or the US...
just one more phrase to get closer to the camboddian sticks
promet!! passe-ho bé petardes!!! sabeu que us envejo molt, oi?¿
petonàs a les dues!!
Ens veiem avait!!! (bueno, relativament..)
bobolze, cheater!!!!!
petonets et petonets.
Que saps, ahir en la nit vaig parlar amb un amic que em va comptar que havia anat a Moçambic fe un any y per lo vist ho havia passat molt molt be! Ya sé que no podras anar ara pero volia dirte abans de que m´oblidi perque crec que hauriem fer un viatje juntos tots nosaltres un dia llavors podem viatjar per Africa. De totes maneras no et puc dir res perque només he estat a Bangkok una vegada per jugar a tennis. Crec que si no has estat a Singapur hauries anar peró tampoc et puc dir que fer exactement.
Hermann : gracies ! pero mozambic quedara una mica lluny aquest cop. Has pensat molt per pensar que podriem anar a africa ? jajajaja a mi ja em va be ja...
un peto !
Em sembla q és una mica tard per donar-te consells de cap a on tirar. Bàsicament perquè a hores d'ara ja deus haver anat (on fos) i tornat! xd
per cert, quantes cabòries i que profundes! tia, viatges (digo yo) pq viatjar mola. I ja està. I això no vol dir q quedar-se a casa no moli. Mira si no el Bobolze jugant al twister!! xd
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