Back from a great week-end in Switzerland, I met Ben back in Annecy for the last day of a long week-end. After a late wake up, I manage to persuade him cycle down (and then up...) to Annecy.
The way down is fine, but the cycle road is full of tourists and locals who want to enjoy the sun on a bank holiday-monday.
The way down is fine, but the cycle road is full of tourists and locals who want to enjoy the sun on a bank holiday-monday.
Once the bikes parked in Annecy,
we wander around the small roads to finally find an open surfshop and get by bathing suit (uhm...the picture will have to wait for my suntan to come back !)...
Merci à ceux qui me l'ont offert en tout cas, promis, la photo arrive !
and back on the lakeshore....
It's time to go back .... The first flat part is okay...
but are you sure you want to go up the hill?? No choice now, it was my idea ! So no matter how bad I regret having said that I have to pretend I love cycling up the hills... XD !
yeah, the way up was significantly harder ... but we made it !
PS: T'étais à fond toi ? ;-)
que payasos!! bé ja veig que com a minim us poseu en forma!...per cert, vaya pelacos de loco el benito a la foto!...
petonet als dos! TEM
els pelacos del Ben et refereixes a la barba de dos dies q porta?? ejjejejje
(és broma, q està molt guapo, hombre!!)
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