Monday, March 22, 2010

La Cordillera Blanca - Perú

After getting into Lima and picking up Ben at the airport, we jumped on an 8 hour-bus that would take us to Huaraz 3500m above sea-level, the center of operations for any expedition in the Cordillera Blanca. It's the rainy season up in the hills right now which made us hesitate before going.
In the end, rainy season means you have to start your hikes early in the morning and be back (or under the tent) by 2pm when it starts raining almost every day.

It's hiking time !

A few acclimatation hikes up to 4500m,

incredible effort-rewarding-lakes at around 4500m above sea-level,

climbing stiff parts,

overwhelming mountains and 3 above-6000m peaks surrounding us at a time (Nevado Huascaran - 6664m),

scary skies on the way back : will we make it ?

and scary(?)-cows and bulls waiting for us in the middle of the path ! (not that funny actually...)

For hikers, do not miss low-season Huascaran National Park: is awesome. We got to hike alone almost every time, barely crossing locals working in the hills :

Last but not least, let me introduce you to Foxy Dude, named after Mr. Dude (dunno why), who guided us during our hikes !

and clandestine - transportation at the back of maize-trucks (sorry, no picture this time)!

Como diria jesulin : 2 palabras : IM - PRESIONANTE ! (que verguenza poner estas referencias en el blog... hum...)

1 comment:

Kika said...

jeje... mola!!!... el benito està molt prim!!! o com a mínim de com jo el recordo! ( no que estigues gordo abans, però nose es veu mes peke ara... potser menys musculos... nose)... molt guapo!