So the question was : what is the mysterious mark some Hmong people have on their forehead ?
It is the result of the application of some traditional medicine. It is the traditionnal way they have to treat headaches. And from what we learned it is used in many different countries.
They heat the bottom of a cup with fire, put some rice wine in it (and a piece of a buffalo's horn) and stick it into their forehead. When it cools down it will suck the blood in the head and increase the blood circulation....the mark will stay 4 or 5 days.
And no more headaches ! Apparently it works and doesn't hurt....I still don't really want to give it a try !
Thank you to all the doctors that can correct what I haven't understood or not well explained above !
So the winner is..................
Hey, Why did you delete some comments with answers on the question post?
I won of course. I said that it was a mosquito sucking up blood. It is the same principle :)
I did not delete your comment, you just commented on another post to answer the question ;-)
que interessant!! i tot aixo qui us ho va explicar? pq a veure.... aquella gent dels pobles parlaven angles???
MOLT INTERESSANT!! i no ho vau fer vosaltres... clar que si no tenieu mal de cap... np haguessiu vist la diferencia!!^^
La preuve que je lis tous les posts. J'attend les recits des sessions surfs a Bali now!
aixo ens ho va intentar explicar la Khu, pero despres vam parlar amb una estudiant d'antropologia que duia temps alla i ens ho va explicar millor ;-)
ah, doncs no...pero l'important és participar, noo?? tot i q amb lo tard q vaig comentar, ni això!! xd
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