Friday, August 20, 2010

Dream. Dare. Fly Lake Tekapo

So after a stunning 3-hour drive, we reached Lake Tekapo that I will let you admire on your own.

There is an observatory on a small hill of about 300m overlooking the Lake.

So we couldn't help it, and one after the other we flew down and landed on one of the many flats underneath.

Ben went first....

and I followed !

I figured I might enter the advertising industry and sell this picture to the Tekapo tourist center...what do you think ?


annabimbana said...

Completament d'acord... quan hi vagi d'aquí uns anys podré demanar un descompte per fer parapente no? :P

Mireia said...

com mola la foto, nooo?? a mi m'ha convençut! em sembla q tinc un hueco aquest finde...hhmm...on cau això exactament?? :p

Nika said...

Anna: consegueixo instal.lar-me alla si ;-) On ets ja? has tornat de japo?

Mireia : doncs cau...a l'altra punta de la terra ! Tirat no ?

La Trof said...

Elle est incroyable cette photo Monica