Differences between the north and southern hemisphere are countless.... One of them is the constellations we see !
Okay, we don't see many in the big cities in Europe (neither do we in South America, don't worry...), but instead of having the Ursa Major constellation pointing to the North, there is the Southern Cross pointing to the South.
Let's see who remembers primary school and can recognise the Southern Cross in this picture !
A ver quien se acuerda de primaria y encuentra la Cruz del Sur !
Voyons qui garde des souvenirs du primaire et trouve la Croix du Sud sur cette photo !
A veure s'enrecorda d'alguna cosa de primaria i troba la Creu del Sud !
To answer, we will divide the picture into 49 areas, A B C D E F G horizontally and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vertically and you will have to say in which area it is (or areas if it is between two or more of them).
The winner will get a Bolivian hat !
El ganador obtendra un gorrito boliviano !
Un bonnet bolivien à la clef !
El guanyador obtindrà un gorret bolivià !
D1 D2, à moi le bonnet bolivien!!!!
D1 i D2!!!
u forgot to say you need to be registered user to be a potential winner :P
aaaa...los otros me han ganado...
jo dic que esta en més arees pq la osa major te cua!!!!
i B3
sta entre D1 i D2.!!!! no se si la resta han contestat però o estic orgullosa d'haver-ho trobat!
well done Pr Cure, t'auras ton bonnet bolivien !
Pels demés... hi haura més quizz no us preocupeu !
Next time, harder...it was too easy :-)
noooooo, us heu equivocat tots!! la creu està a F4, E5, F5 i G5!!! Perquè la de D1-D2 està clar q no senyala al sud!!
ueeee, gorret per miiiiiiiiii!! ole oleeee, jejejje
D1 D2!!!
Si que senyala al sud mireiaaa! :P
Arribo un pel tard..pero e sigual :)
Joooooooooooooooooo!! Yo lo sabia, pero me parece qu ehe llegado un poquitin tarde.... Esperare al siguiente quiz y espero que sea de este nivel , que sino .........
Pr Cure, FELICIDADES!!!! Cuando recibas el Bonet QUEREMOS FOTO!!!!
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